Saturday, November 01, 2014

Autocity Juru Mega Expo October 2014

left: repeat user of CHT Sabun Ajaib. She noticed her son
face pimples reducing significantly so came back to buy
more. Thank you! Right: Regular users

Regular users. 

Left: My FB follower. Thank you Bro for the support.
Right: CHT Sabun Ajaib regular user

Regulars. Right: Lipas Repellent users

Left: Regular MBA user. He told me company annual dinner
only he and his wife apply MBA & no mosquitoes bite them.
Other staff all bitten my mosquitoes. So, they all came to buy
MBA later. The whole company using MBA now! Thanks!
Right: Regular users of CHT Sabun Ajaib, Lipas Repellent
and they came back for more. Thank you!

Regular users

Regular users from wet market roadshows.

Regular users
4 days raining during this Mega Expo in Autocity! But very good last day response. Thank you for the support.